
Archive for the ‘assignments’ Category

The Lesson Learned!

May 14, 2009 Leave a comment

I just wrote up my digital storytelling lesson plan and reflection.  I decided to use squidoo to make a lens that goes over the lesson and my reflections on it.  You can see it here.  Please feel free to leave comments on the lens if you like!

Who am I as a teacher 2!

March 4, 2009 1 comment

If you read my previous post on Who I am as a Teacher you know that I am serious when I say a teacher must be many different things.  I decided to have some fun with this and using imovie and Garageband is actually pretty fun.  I think the main thing is to have fun with the technology because that is what will make it more meaningful for you and your kids.

Categories: assignments Tags:

Who am I as a Teacher?

March 4, 2009 2 comments

To me being a teacher means wearing many different hats.  To me being a teacher means one must also be…

a facilitator

an instructor

a coach

an enforcer

a benevolent dictator

an educator

a counsellor

a peacekeeper

a mediator


a communicator

and a team player…

To me these are all things that I am as a teacher, whether they make up a big part of who I am as a teacher or a small part of who I am as a teacher.

Categories: assignments Tags:

Capacities…How much capacity do I have?

February 16, 2009 5 comments

Take two!!  I am learning from my past experiences having difficulty saving my work on Edublogs while on the Surrey network.  I have learned to write my entry in Word first so I have a backup.


Here they are…the capacities…in my own words.


Reflective practitioner – As I reflect upon myself I realize that I am always reflecting on my practice.  What worked, what didn’t, how I am precieved by my students are all things I find myself thinking about.  I am reflecting and inquiring a lot right now on how this program will impact my practice.  I hope I will continue to maintain this spirit of reflection throughout the program.


Criticial practitioner – In terms of justifying my practice based on current educational theories and such, I would say that I have not had a lot of opportunity to personally keep up to date with the latest and greatest in this area.  As far as recent education theories are concerned I mostly keep up to date by what I hear from other colleagues.  I gather that I will be exposed to more theories throughout this program especially with regards to technology.  I am looking forward to trying to incoporate this into my classroom.


Facilitator of Learning – I feel like I make a genuine effort to facilatate learning in my classroom everyday.  I like to give my students some flexibility in choosing how they want to learn a topic.  I feel that I could do more in this area and want to explore using technology as a way for kids to learn and express what they learn.


Knowledgeable Educator – I always say my strength in teaching is that I don’t consider myself an expert in anything.  I am constantly learning and I expect to learn a lot more in this program.  I am excited of how I can use technology to maybe breathe new life into some courses kids find boring.


Supportive Colleague – I consider myself a team player.  I am open to what others would like to try and like to give feedback if it is asked for.  I in turn am also open to others giving me feedback.  I like working with others in a supportive manner.  Nevermind this program, I hope to continue this over my career and lifetime.


Educational Leader – Well since I am the only teacher in my program I would consider myself an educational leader.  I hope to become more of a educational leader in teaching with technology over the course of the next two years.




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