
Posts Tagged ‘adaptive’

The Lesson Learned!

May 14, 2009 Leave a comment

I just wrote up my digital storytelling lesson plan and reflection.  I decided to use squidoo to make a lens that goes over the lesson and my reflections on it.  You can see it here.  Please feel free to leave comments on the lens if you like!

Reflections – Tech Literacy vs Adaptive vs Transformative

April 22, 2009 2 comments

So I have been reflecting over the latest reading regarding technology and the learning spectrum.  This issue at hand is how to incorporate technology in the class and have it be at the very least adapting and optimally transforming.  Here are a couple things that stuck out to me.

  1. student experiences depend upon teacher directed assignments; research is “go look up” and “tell me back”.
  2. Student roles expand to include explorers, producers of knowledge, communicators and self-directed learners.
  1. I feel like this is where I was at with some of my first attempts in using technology in the classroom.  The technology is really just giving a new medium to present work but I am not sure how much new learning is really occurring.  With regards to instruction I am not sure how one gets away from teacher directed assigments.  The kids I work with do not, or maybe I should say have not, to this point shown much initiative in directing their own learning.
  2. This is where I hope to get my class.  I am really hoping the wiki I have set up will be the catalyst for this.  I am trying to figure out how to get the underachieving kids I work with to but in.  I am really hoping that they will take to using the wiki without my direction within the guidelines I have layed out.  I am thinking I will probably still need use some teacher directed assignments at the beginning to get the ball rolling.  Hopefully they will pick up that ball and run with it.